Report on a 103 Year Old Woman Who Still Drives
Adds gangster-rap music, curse words and all !!!
Report on a 103 Year Old Woman Who Still Drives
Adds gangster-rap music, curse words and all !!!
By Greg Jones
Wednesday May 26, 2010
At 10:25 as I sat watching a bit of CNN this morning I found found myself going from....ahhhhh....isn't this sweet.....to absolute disgust and actual anger. The story CNN was reporting on was about a very sweet woman from Coatesville, Pennsylvania, who at age 103, still has this sharpness and mental awareness to drive. The piece showed her getting in her car...cruising down the road...just as sharp as ever. They mentioned how she could be easily noticed since her vehicle is a 1979 Cadillac with a two-tone white and red paint job. All one could say while watching this piece was wow...what a strong Black woman.
But then at the very end of the piece, as they showed the woman getting in her car, cane in hand...some absolute ignorant, racist moron at CNN decided to play some gangster rap music in the background....as if to imply that this sweet old wonderful lady is A GANGSTER ! To make it even WORSE...CNN didn't even edit the song so all I could hear was rapper Coolio saying "punk ass niggas" to a gangster beat !!! ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE !!!
CNN should be held accountable for this atrocity...should apologize to the woman and her family...should apologize to CNN viewers...and should explain to the public what exactly lead them to use profane gangster rap as part of the imagery of this wonderful Black woman. Here's a link to the story before CNN added it's "disgusting touch".